Every year, many different communities across the country and closeby have to batten down the hatches and do what they need in order to survive major storms and hurricanes. Florence, Harvey, Sandy, and now Dorian have all laid major damage on homes and communities. So far, Hurricane Dorian has caused more than $2 billion and upwards of $3 billion in property damage from Florida to the Caribbean.
How Florida Real Estate Agents Can Embrace for a Hurrican
And while it’s important for homeowners to know what to do following a hurricane with cleanup and reaching out to their real estate insurance Florida providers, it’s just as important for those working in the industry, including real estate agents, to know what they need to do in order to limit long-term damage.
Getting Organized
First, directly following a major storm or hurricane, real estate agents and brokers need to get in touch with their own real estate insurance Florida carriers to make their claim. This isn’t necessarily focused on their personal property, rather, it helps them round up what they need for claims on the properties they represent.
From assessing damage to deciding the next step to get properties cleaned up and restored, this kind of coverage helps to outline what you need to do to get your properties back to normal.
Apply for Relief
Real estate agents can register with FEMA for access to a wide range of relief programs to help through disasters. It can lead to a number of other relief programs that can help with clean up and financial assistance.
Here are some other assistance programs that can help get through a hurricane fallout:
- Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA): This is for survivors who have an ongoing need for shelter because they cannot return to their homes for an extended period of time.
- Critical Needs Assistance (CNA): This is intended for individuals and household who have immediate or critical needs because they are displaced from their main home.
- Small Business Administration (SBA): This kind of disaster assistance offers loans that will also be available to small business owners.
Real estate agents can direct their clients to make use of these disaster programs and help them through the process of deciding which programs are best. Any sort of help for clients will go a long way as they deal with the same issues of cleaning up as a real estate agent.
Helping Clients
People who suffer losses and property damage due to flooding or major storms, say wind or hail, need all the help they can get. This is where real estate agents can step in and offer their services that go beyond just listing and finding properties.
For affected families who may need help, show up and offer your assistance in any way you can. Cooking or delivering food or helping to clean up can go a long way. Also, it’s good to reassure clients that their community and the housing market will indeed recover. Encourage them not to make impulsive decisions following a storm when it comes to their properties, which, in the long run, can hurt their overall investment.
About The Hilb Group
Deciding what coverage you need and what limits and deductibles make the most sense can be tricky. Founded in 2009, the Hilb Group has been helping clients to make sense of their options and make the smartest choices for their circumstances. Whether you need Warehouse Insurance or any other type of business or personal coverage, we encourage you to contact our friendly, experienced, and capable team today. Call us at (800) 776-3078 for a consultation.