Does Your Orlando Contractors Insurance Cover Construction Defects?

Orlando construction industry

Does Your Orlando Contractors Insurance Cover Construction Defects?

All man-made structures have a life span. While some are made to last through the ages, like the Great Pyramids in Egypt, most have significantly smaller life expectancies than thousands of years. However, even those great architectural feats are subject to deterioration over time, and will inevitably someday fade away. In fact, many structures fail far before the end of their useful life.

Buildings can fail for a number of reasons, many of which are not the result of faulty construction or poor planning; however there are incidents where the craftsmanship of a structure’s assembly will be called to question should a building fall before it’s time. Should a building suffer damage of collapse prematurely to its expected lifespan contractors are often challenged to prove that the resulting structural damage was not the result of shoddy workmanship, design or construction, and was merely an unforeseen disaster. If a building component was not installed correctly, was not suitable for the structure, or was defectively constructed, the manufacturer, seller, or contractor who installed the component may all be held responsible for any resulting damages or losses.

These construction defect debates have become increasingly common in courtrooms across the country as commercial and personal property owners and associations are more inclined than ever to seek compensation for losses and damages from those responsible for building their properties. Should a contractor or construction company be found negligent or liable for some professional error which resulted in the structural instability of a building, the financial and status ramifications can be devastating. Luckily, there is a way for contractors to protect themselves from these allegations and potential repercussions of a professional mistake or accident. BY securing the right Orlando contractors insurance coverage, you can mitigate your risk exposures as a contractor or construction entity and protect your assets in the face of construction defect claims.

At Newman Crane, we have built a strong partnership with the Orlando construction industry and continually address and meet their growing needs. Our Orlando contractors insurance specialists have the extensive experience needed to help you determine what insurance Orlando contractors need, and craft the best policies to completely protect your operation. To learn more about our offerings, give our Orlando contractors insurance specialists a call today at (407) 859-3691.