As the summer continues on, there are plenty of natural disaster events that companies need to be prepared for and protected against. Having effective evacuation plans for businesses of any size and industry can help to keep everyone and everything safe and insured in the event of something like a flood or fire.
OSHA even lays out plenty of scenarios to consider when formulating an effective plan, including going over situations like fire, flood, tornadoes, and terrorist events. Companies need to take steps to ensure they are prepared for the worst as not being prepared can bring about violations from OSHA.
Here are some steps to consider when looking to create an effective evacuation plan.
But First, Insurance
There are many different ways to protect your company from things like storms, flood, hurricanes, fire, etc. But one way in which your finances can be covered is to invest in the right kind of property insurance, such as hurricane insurance Florida programs meant to financially back up companies following a disaster.
Hilb Group, a Florida-based insurance company, can provide the right information around being protected in an active storm season, such as the summertime. Having this peace of mind is one way to be prepared and create an overall safety plan.
Planning, Planning, and More Planning
Businesses need to designate a person to be the evacuation warden. This person has the authority to order an evacuation when a threat arises. Companies should create a chain of command coming from this person and designate a backup contact when this person is not available. Also, make sure to determine who is responsible for providing notifications that it’s okay to return to work and that everything is all clear. Employees should be trained to perform rescue medical duties during crisis situations and education should be made available and promoted on how to assist people with disabilities.
Get Prepared
When coming up with an effective plan, it’s important to document everything and in multiple ways. From writing things down to typing things up and saving them in the cloud to make them accessible for multiple people to see, evacuation preparedness plans should be protected and safe. Keep copies of site maps with a crisis management plan included along with other important documents and post building and site maps at strategic locations in the facility with exit routes marked.
Put It to Practice
Occupants of your business should be accounted for through a sign-in register. This will help to perform a head count when everyone is outside at the meeting point. A primary assembly area should be selected near your facility and a secondary assembly area, a backup, should be chosen as well if you have to move further away. Always make sure that the assembly area is away from traffic and is safe for people to walk to.
When everything has been sorted out, it’s important to put these plans to work through practice drills. Some should be planned and informed to employees, and some should be simulated escapes to promote authenticity. This will help to encourage employees to stick to the plan and educate themselves on the steps they need to take to be safe.
About The Hilb Group
Deciding what coverage you need and what limits and deductibles make the most sense can be tricky. Founded in 2009, the Hilb Group has been helping clients to make sense of their options and make the smartest choices for their circumstances. Whether you need Warehouse Insurance or any other type of business or personal coverage, we encourage you to contact our friendly, experienced, and capable team today. Call us at (800) 776-3078 for a consultation.