Cybersecurity Knowledge Every Employee Should Know


Cyber crime attacks are a significant threat to businesses and are growing in severity and frequency, with a 600% rise in attacks following the COVID-19 pandemic. Worldwide, companies are investing in cyber insurance and cybersecurity frameworks to protect their networks. However, the most vulnerable area for businesses is their employees, where a lack of skill or awareness can cause a data breach with damages skyrocketing into the millions. It’s critical for businesses to understand what employees should know about cybersecurity, including the following top issues.

1. Password Management

Passwords are a strong defense when used correctly. Train employees on healthy password management, including the following:

  • Include at least 7 characters
  • Combine letters, numbers, and symbols
  • Use upper- and lower-case letters
  • Utilize a verified and respected password management application
  • Avoid using the same password on multiple sites
  • Implement two-factor authentication

2. Phishing Awareness

Phishing schemes are the method of choice for hackers to deliver malware and create a data breach. While they used to be relatively easy to spot, they are becoming much more sophisticated, often using the fonts and logos of known businesses. Train employees to spot the fakes with the following tips:

  • Ask for a second opinion if you receive a questionable or unexpected email
  • Don’t react to threats, which are common in phishing
  • Instead of clicking on a link, hover over it to find the actual URL
  • Never open suspicious attachments, particularly those in .exe format
  • View the message source code to find the actual sender’s email address

3. Protection of Sensitive Data

Your employees handle a variety of sensitive data daily, belonging to your business and your customers. Ensure your staff understands the importance of protecting addresses, credit card data, emails, and social security numbers. Establish strong protocols for handling data and mandate compliance. Cyber insurance is important to mitigate loss in the event of data mishandling.

4. Steps Following a Malware Click

If an employee opens a malicious attachment or clicks on a bad link, they should immediately alert someone so protective maneuvers can be taken. Establish a protocol for employees to take if they believe they have downloaded malware or a virus.

5. Wi-Fi to Use and Avoid

With the rise of remote work, employees are logging in to the company network from alternate locations. Train them on best practices for using remote Wi-Fi.

  • Avoid public Wi-Fi when possible
  • If using public Wi-Fi, don’t log in to anything 
  • Watch for automatic Wi-Fi connections when traveling
  • Use strong router passwords on home Wi-Fi
  • Use a virtual private network (VPN)

A cybersecurity infrastructure will only be as strong as the employees responsible for implementing it. Learning how to educate employees on cybersecurity is critical for an informed workplace and strong front line to protect against attacks.

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Deciding what coverage you need and what limits and deductibles make the most sense can be tricky. Founded in 2009, the Hilb Group has been helping clients to make sense of their options and make the smartest choices for their circumstances. Whether you need Warehouse Insurance or any other type of business or personal coverage, we encourage you to contact our friendly, experienced, and capable team today. Call us at (800) 776-3078 for a consultation.