Common New Manager Mistakes

Common New Manager Mistakes

Congratulations! You’ve recently been promoted to a managerial position. Only those who have proven their abilities and work ethic become managers. As with any new challenge, there’s a learning curve involved when transitioning from employee to manager. Especially if your new job is in the Orlando & Central Florida Commercial Business sector, take time to learn about the most common new manager mistakes so you can avoid making them.

Remaining a Superstar Instead of Becoming a Coach

When you have been promoted to manager, you’ve already proven yourself to your bosses. You obviously want to continue doing a great job, but you need to realize your job has changed. Your focus now is to help your employees succeed. Your success will be measured by how successful and productive your team is. Help them succeed!

Failing to Delegate

You got where you are by working hard and doing a great job. Now that you’re a manager, you’ve got to resist the urge to do others’ jobs for them. As is noted in an article in Fast Company, you may think you are doing them a favor, but just as you worked hard to make an impression on your bosses your employees want the opportunity to prove to you that they’re doing a great job. Let them do the jobs they were hired to do.

Making Changes Too Quickly

Even if your mandate as manager is to be an agent of change and reorganize a department, you need to be strategic about your approach. Take time to get to know your team and their strengths and weaknesses. If you are approachable and personable, your team is more likely to like and respect you (both of which are essential in gaining their trust and motivating them.) Entering your new managerial role with a slash-and-burn mentality will alienate your employees, which is the opposite of what you’re trying to achieve.

As a manager, you have new responsibilities and with new responsibilities come new risks. If you don’t have a management liability insurance policy, contact us at Newman Crane & Associates Insurance, (407) 859-3691. We’ll explain why it may be in your best interest to pursue such a policy.