Using Tourism to Your Business Advantage

With gas prices across the country at a record low and anticipated to stay that way for the foreseeable future, according to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Companies (OPEC), consumers of all walks of life are enjoying extra disposable income. What will many of them do with that windfall? Travel! While 2016 is still young there’s a checklist smart business owners are completing. Tops on this list? Ensuring they’re protected with a comprehensive Orlando Business Insurance policy and identifying ways to target tourist dollars. Using tourism to your business advantage is a no-brainer in sunny Florida! Here are three simple ways to do that.

1: Target Past Customers

Most people are creatures of habit and loyal to businesses that have treated them well in the past. Why not reach out to your past customers via e-mail, direct mail, or even social media? The more personal you can make your message the more valuable it will be. Adding an enticing coupon or special offer may prove irresistible!2

2: Target Staycationers

Low gas prices mean that people who live within a day’s drive of your business may be more apt to explore their surroundings during the weekend. Experiment with advertising blitzes in larger areas within a few hours drive of your location. The message you should try to convey? The value-added appeal your business offers weekend warriors or those in the mood for a road trip.

3: Partner with Groups Who Have a Large Contingent of Followers

Depending on the type of business you’re in, reach out to sports leagues, gourmet groups, adrenaline tour groups, or mom’s groups who can sing your praises to their members. Of course, they’ll be more likely to do so if you provide an incentive, such as a donation to their group for X dollars whenever a customer visits your business and mentions that the group recommended you.

Admittedly, we aren’t experts at attracting tourists to your business. However, at Newman Crane & Associates Insurance, we are experts at that other aforementioned task: protecting your business with a comprehensive insurance policy. Call us at (407) 859-3691 and we’ll tailor a commercial insurance policy to cover you when throngs of tourists (hopefully) head your way this year.